Monday, August 8, 2011

School Is Right Around The Corner, Are You Ready?

Time sure does fly, I cannot believe that the first day of school is quickly approaching. With school right around the corner I thought it would be appropriate to provide parents with a checklist to make sure you and your children are prepared for the upcoming school year.  Being prepared is key to being an effective advocate for your child.  Below you will find the "Top 10 List," please feel free to add to the list, your comments and questions are always welcomed.

Top 10 Things To Do Before The First Day Of School:

  1. Look over your child's IEP and make notes (make sure you understand what it says)
  2. Write a note to introduce your child to their new teacher (short & know your child best)
  3. Any unsettled business needs to be discussed before school begins (assistive technology, placement concerns, accommodations, related services)
  4.  Make sure all evaluations are current
  5. Call the school to set-up a tour to prepare your child for the first day of school
  6. Start talking about school in a positive way with your child
  7. Ask your child questions to make sure that they are prepared for the new year
  8. Write a list of questions that you may have, so you are prepared for Open School Night
  9. Start setting up schedules at home for a smooth transition from lazy days of summer to the hustle and bustle of the school year
  10. Breathe...This is going to be a successful school year for you and your child(ren)