Top 10 Things To Do Before The First Day Of School:
- Look over your child's IEP and make notes (make sure you understand what it says)
- Write a note to introduce your child to their new teacher (short & know your child best)
- Any unsettled business needs to be discussed before school begins (assistive technology, placement concerns, accommodations, related services)
- Make sure all evaluations are current
- Call the school to set-up a tour to prepare your child for the first day of school
- Start talking about school in a positive way with your child
- Ask your child questions to make sure that they are prepared for the new year
- Write a list of questions that you may have, so you are prepared for Open School Night
- Start setting up schedules at home for a smooth transition from lazy days of summer to the hustle and bustle of the school year
- Breathe...This is going to be a successful school year for you and your child(ren)