Monday, November 1, 2010

The Benefits to Parent Training

Parent training services can be offered/recommended to parents who have a child with an intellectual disability.  Sometimes, parents have negative feelings towards the thought of having to be "trained."  Parent training should not have a negative connotation because it is a very positive concept.  Children are not born with instruction manuals and whether your child is typically developing or atypically developing, parenting is challenging.

Effective parent training for children with intellectual disabilities will help parent(s) to be advocates for their  children. It can help in areas of education, behaviors, transitioning, special education law, communicating effectively to the school district, family support, feeling confident in the community, and self-efficacy. There are many benefits to parent training services that have been proven through research.

So the bottom line is, do your research, get educated, become an advocate for your child and remember, parent training is not a negative reflection on your parenting skills, it is a step in the right direction that will benefit you, your child, and your family as a whole!!!


1 comment:

  1. I think the negative feelings are natural at first. You want as a parent to know what is best for your child and often times you think you can do it alone, but in reality sometimes you need help and that's okay. I think what is key to accepting help from an "outsider" is finding someone you can trust and someone that is truly genuine who has your best interests at heart. Not easy to find, but these advocates are out there and when you find the right match the benefits are unbelievable. My suggestion to parents out there who have a child with a disability, seek help, don't try to do everything all alone, and take your time finding the perfect match.
